Archive for March 16th, 2009

March 16, 2009

I am Garth

The Garth

Hey fellow tragic hipsters! I am Garth, the new Drum guy (ed: a new drum guy – John Fell is still THE drum guy) at Main Drag Music. I will help you with your sonic needs or punch you in the face for being uncool.  But seriously, you guys got any vintage drum kits you wanna sell?!! Give us a call or bring them by! We’ve also got some new ultra knowledgeable staff on board to help you pinpoint whatever ridiculous sound you are looking to make. Cheers and happy fuzzing.


March 16, 2009

SXSW ’09

So once again I am heading down to SXSW to partake in the yearly tradition of playing unpaid shows while trying to stay sober enough to be operable. Lucky for you, I will be blogging about it while drunk and full of BBQ on a live, daily, up-to-date, basis… so stay tuned….

This year I will be playing guitar along side Main Drag Music customer “Tim Williams.” Every year I run into our entire customer base on 6th street in Austin. I will surely be approached again this year as…”HEY! IT’S THE DUDE FROM MAIN DRAG!” Yes, Yes…. indeed I am….

As an added bonus this year they will be having a Vintage Guitar Show at the convention center… pretty amazing! If it didn’t cost me $100 for every extra piece of gear I bring on the plane… I could do some damage down there. Anyway… stay tuned because the next six days will be exciting.